The closet room of Superman


An almost hidden pay phone – a focal point for travel of voices
Speaking of hidden in relation to telephone booths
Clark Kent changed into his Superman outfit in them
everyone knows that
but has anyone ever seen his business suit hanging around in a phone booth
or seen him pick up his suit afterwards ..?
With the inspiration from Ailsa and her worth visting blog
Where’s my backpack?
this is my version of her travel theme this week “Hidden

36 tanker om “The closet room of Superman

  1. Pingback: Usually Hidden and From An Unusual POV | East of Málaga .... and more!

  2. It’s all magic?
    Perhaps its like on a movie set. After the actor changes in their honey land room, the Truck Person gathers it up and puts it back in the character closet.
    Very cute post and pic, Le Drake! Hugs and hugs to you! _Resa

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