Some are old enough

U 43

Some of us are old enough to remember.
This tape recorder which was too heavy for walkman use.

Odd Ball Challenge – Cee and her worth visiting inspiring challenges.

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Some of us are old enough to remember
When self-responsibility was our own responsibility.

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Some of us are old enough to remember.
This wasn’t an unidentified object, but the pantry for the dairy cows.

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Some of us are old enough to remember.
When freedom and responsibility were connected and our own.
Not left to quixotic bureaucrats from all their home countries.

N 66Some of us are old enough to remember.
When this kind of Volkswagen still had license to drive on the roads.

33 tanker om “Some are old enough

  1. The first time I saw one of these was in my English class – now, everybody will know my age :D. It was about time somebody showed this relic. Come to think of it, it could have been perfect for my “traces of the past” too (not that I am complaining about that wonderful shot from Louvre 😎

  2. I agree with all you said in this post and appreciated the photos. You’re not surely alone, I’m old enough to remember all these things me too… 😉

  3. LOL! I’m old enough to forget! 😀 Although, a pal of mine has a large amount of audio & video tape rolls that I thought I could maybe unravel & use for an Art Gown. 🙂

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