Cityscape walking

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The entire historic center of Strasbourg
characterized by well-maintained half-timbered houses
in typical four floors and with idyllic canals to the Rhine
are by UNESCO declared a World Heritage Site.

Strasbourg is an old city, dating back to the time of the Roman Empire
where it was founded by Emperor Augustus by the name Argentoratum.

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The german poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe spent his year of study in youth
at the university of the city – wonder whether new poets might walk beside me now.

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A walk like going back in time, between the old beautiful architecture.

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 There is also room for breaks here at the square in front of the cathedral.

My inspiration comes from wonderful “Restlessjo” and her “Monday walk” themes
this area is perfect for inspiring walking and with modern architecture too..

17 tanker om “Cityscape walking

  1. OMG how beautiful!
    I can’t but thank you again and again for all the places you show us through your awesome photos …..
    Do you allow me a little envy ?

    • #.anna
      No doubt about a walk through the streets in central Strasbourg will be an experience for you – sure you would enjoy it… 🙂

      Really do appreciate your words… 🙂

  2. My kind of walk, Drake! Strasbourg looks like the loveliest of cities and one of those I haven’t managed to wander to… yet! Thanks so much for sharing. I love your company 🙂

  3. Another beautiful city, rich of history and fascinating places that I would like to see… maybe another dream for me… 😦 Thanks for sharing so many interesting things and wonderful pictures .

  4. Pingback: Jo’s Monday walk : Barragem de Bravura | restlessjo

  5. I do like an historic old town to wander through. And a square with a café where I can sit and sip coffee and people watch. Thank you for showing me how delightful Strasbourg is – sounds like a nice city break!
    Jude xx

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