Against the waves

E 66

Somewhere in the North Atlantic autumn of 2011 – a rather fresh breeze
where the nearest land was the southwestern Norway far away
had an external task for the shipping company and sailed a trip aboard one of their ships.

Just to learn how their world look like.

Maybe seems like snow, but is airy sea water.

The inspirational “kick” to find back to the old photo in the “attic”
it came from always worth visiting Amanda’s blog “Something to ponder about
Interislander Ferry ride from wait, Wellington” – yeah from New Zealand.

44 tanker om “Against the waves

    • #.princessdeloso
      The ship’s crew were both impressed but also disappointed – they had looked forward to getting a seasick landlubber as passengers on the ride – didn’t happen… 😀

      The sea is very impressive when it’s in the mood… 😀

  1. Your wonderful photo and the NZ blog piece brought back memories of a trip taken with my family in 1963 from Lyttleton South Island to Wellington – an overnight over 10 hour trip in the roughest of seas – respect indeed for ships and seas and the sailors.

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