If not, so be happy

A walk through the woods, whether alone or together – never lonely.
Life is right around us, with a paraphrase of John Lennon’s words
“Life is what goes on and feels while you walk in between the trees”

Walk inspired by “Restlessjo” and her captivating “Monday walk” themes.

Figuratively speaking, the title of one of the band Chicago’s biggest hits fits very well:
“Hard To Say I’m Sorry” – while walking in the woods.

Suitable for preventive use too.

19 tanker om “If not, so be happy

  1. There are so many captivating places where we can spend time, Drake. And if we’re lucky, captivating people to spend it with. Thanks always 🤗💕💕

  2. Pingback: Jo’s Monday walk : Monte Clerigo | restlessjo

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