Extreme business as usual


Leaving harbor, hunting fish.

The sea is a tough place to work not least as a fisherman
a very old profession, sometimes romanticized
life at sea isn’t without risk for the fearless men who work there
fish trawlers including the equipment is also pushed into extremes
new equipment quickly look old after a couple of trips on the sea
while we unskilled also have doubts about many of the fish trawlers
whether they are moving forward or downward
and they soon sink or whether they remain floating.

Inspiration the Daily Prompt “Sink or swim

Many of life’s failures are people
who did not realize how close they were to success
when they gave up
(Thomas A. Edison – american telegraph operator, inventor and businessman)

25 tanker om “Extreme business as usual

  1. Pingback: Daily Post:Sink or Swim #poetry #photography #dpchallenge | Moondustwriter's Blog

  2. Extraordinary photo and interesting post. I like very much the quote from Edison: he was right, really… unfortunately for someone 😦 … Buona serata e dolce notte con un mare meno in burrasca Drake 😉

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