Fluent tecture


The sea is always a great acquaintance with lots of movement
there are lots of wonderful texture stored into the sea
which can be hard as stone and gently as velvet – almost at the same time
we mustn’t rely too much on it, but treat it with respect.

Daily Prompt “The power of touch
What texture is particularly evocative to you..?

The velvety cruelty hidden sometimes lurking beneath the surface of the sea.

22 tanker om “Fluent tecture

  1. So they say…beauty is only skin deep and still waters run deep.
    I think all beauty is accompanied by its exact opposite; be it ugliness or danger…
    We should have respect for all and never judge a “book by its cover” this way we can be better prepared for what might be lurking underneath,
    A beautiful photo!

  2. Pingback: The Power of Touch | A mom's blog

  3. Pingback: Daily Prompt: The Power of Touch | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

    • #.belén soto
      Thanks, so glad you like it – yeah often there are a lot of atmosphere around fishing ports and fishing towns – agree with you, life such places are spicial… 🙂

  4. Beautiful photo and interesting post. Yes, the sea, so charming and sometimes kind, but also so dangerous… we mustn’t be misled by its so beautiful surface as for everything else of the life. 😉 Have a nice and no stormy week-end. In Liverpool surely the weather is better thant in Denmark… but anyway.. 😉 buon fine settimana.

    • #.laura
      Thanks a lot, so glad you like it – really appreciates… 🙂

      Yeah the sea is wonderful, but we have to remember treating it with respect… 🙂

      Wish you a wonderful sunday… 🙂 🙂

  5. Pingback: The Power of Touch | Life as a country bumpkin...not a city girl

  6. Pingback: Hold me closer, Tony Danza | Manresa, Maine

  7. Pingback: As smooth as a baby’s butt | I am Lynn

  8. The sea have his own charcacter and can’t be influenced, it floas where it wanna goes and what me attract the most is his power and his texture, thanks for this post because the sea have a special 🙂 place in my hart !

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