Waiting for the dark colors


Darkness can really be an experience, especially in full colors
(with the friday prompt “A little sneaky” as inspiration)


Some people like living in black and white worlds
let them just stay there
appreciate all the colors you see in your world though
(Ashly Lorenzana – american former escort girl)


35 tanker om “Waiting for the dark colors

  1. Pingback: Awkward moments | Escaping a Daydream

  2. Pingback: Lone Starlet – Alhambra, Granada, Spain | alternative.reality

  3. I agree with your friend, living in black and white is okay, as long as you know there is color, and that you are content with whatever color or lack of it you choose. Lovely shots, my favorite is the night shot of the city. 🙂

  4. Pingback: Daily Prompt – A Little Sneaky | Joe's Musings

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